Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jeb Bush’s ed speech at GOP convention — text - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Jeb Bush’s ed speech at GOP convention — text - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Answer Sheet

Jeb Bush’s ed speech at GOP convention — text

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush addressed the Republican Convention on Thursday night, giving a speech about education reform that is likely to fuel talk that he could be Mitt Romney’s education secretary should
Jeb Bush speaks at GOP convention with teacher Sean Duffy, left, and Frantz Placide, who attended Florida schools. (Scott Eells/BLOOMBERG)
Romney win the presidential election.
Here's the speech by Bush — who predictably attacks President Obama and teachers union — as well as remarks by a Florida teacher and student:
The Hon. Jeb Bush
Former Governor, Florida
Sean Duffy
Frantz Placide
(Remarks as Prepared for Delivery)
Welcome to Florida! Bienvenido a Florida!
This election is about the future of this nation. We can shape that future 

Surviving math class by doodling — video

Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 18 minutes ago
Here’s an amusing video that offers a detailed lesson in how to properly doodle to get through math class if you don’t have a smart phone on which to play Angry Birds. The narrator says ...You spent all week memorizing how to graph parabolas. News flash. No one cares about parabolas, which is why half the class is playing Angry Birds under their desk. But since you don’t have a smart phone yet, you have to resort to a more noble and oudated form of boredom relief. That is doodling. And you’ve invented a game of your own, a doodle game that connects the dots in ways your math cla... more »

The Answer Sheet - 18 minutes ago

Who might be Romney’s education secretary?

Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 9 hours ago
So who might Mitt Romney pick as his education secretary should he win the November presidential election? Here’s a list of some of the probable candidates, based on the people that Romney chose to be on his Education Policy Advisory Group, or that his campaign has used as “surrogates” to speak on education, or that are beloved by Republicans as important education reformers. In the latter category would be people such as *Michelle Rhee *and former Florida governor *Jeb Bush *and even *Joel Klein*. Read full article >> [image: Add to Facebook] [image: Add to Twitter] [image: Add t... more »

It’s not easy being Bill Nye the Science Guy

Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 16 hours ago
It’s not easy being Bill Nye the Science Guy. When Nye told an audience in Waco, Texas in 2006 that the moon reflects light from the sun — which, of course, it does — he was booed, the Waco Tribune reported. Why? He offended some folks who believed he was criticizing Genesis 1:16, which says that “God made two great lights,” the sun and the moon. Read full article >> [image: Add to Facebook] [image: Add to Twitter] [image: Add to Reddit] [image: Add to StumbleUpon]

GOP platform’s contempt for public education

Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 1 day ago
It was obviously too difficult for the authors of the 2012 Republican Party platform to hide their contempt for public education, because it is evidentthroughout the section on schooling. What’s more, the education section is used to promote the party’s cultural values, going on at some length about support for abstinence education and its opposition to using federal funds in “mandatory or universal mental health, psychiatric, or socio-emotional screening program.” The message appears to be that schools should teach kids not to have sex but shouldn’t use federal funds to screen st... more »