Thursday, August 16, 2012

UPDATE: Interview with myself. « Fred Klonsky

Interview with myself. « Fred Klonsky:

The story of my stalker Ben Velderman and me is featured in this just released video by the CTU on Rahm’s sordid relationship to astroturf reformers.

Interview with myself.

Q: You’re going to Springfield tomorrow?
A: Yes. A couple of us our driving down at 7AM. Thousands more will be there.
Q: What’s up with that?
A: The Governor has called the General Assembly to meet for one day to address the pension issue. There are 

The in box. “Believe it or not you old guys are no longer the center of the universe.”

You guys are going to talk yourselves out of what few benefits you have left. Keep bleating about a graduated income tax, the constitution, blah, blah, blah. You are better off letting your elected leaders cut your losses and negotiate to protect your retirees, solidify your pension system, and quite possibly keep some state subsidy for retiree health insurance. If they cannot mitigate some of this damage you’ll be at the mercy of the courts. Just like arbitration, your chances in court are 50-50 at best regardless of the circumstances. Do you want to take that chance? I already know that answer. So wear your black shirts, try to obstruct your leaders efforts, talk tough, make a lot