Sunday, August 19, 2012

Holy cow! A newspaper tells the truth about state pensions. Stop the presses! « Fred Klonsky

Holy cow! A newspaper tells the truth about state pensions. Stop the presses! « Fred Klonsky:

Illinois taxes a housekeeper at the Hyatt Hotel at the same rate it taxes Penny Pritzker who owns the hotel. Want to know why the state can’t fund its pensions?

Holy cow! A newspaper tells the truth about state pensions. Stop the presses!

 Most robbery victims would sympathize with other people about to be held up, but right-wing media and wrong-headed legislators have created scapegoats to cover their own failures. Bill Fletcher, Jr., author of “They’re Bankrupting Us!” and 20 Other Myths about Unions, explained the disconnect: “What the right wing has managed to do is get workers who have been crushed angry at 

Ten minute drawing.