Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Four Florida Senate Primary Races Today Are Key to March’s Parent Trigger Fight | Scathing Purple Musings

Four Florida Senate Primary Races Today Are Key to March’s Parent Trigger Fight | Scathing Purple Musings:

Four Florida Senate Primary Races Today Are Key to March’s Parent Trigger Fight

When Florida’s two largest for-profit charter schools each made the unprecedented move of donating $100,000 last month to the PAC of privatization advocate, it signaled some changes among the people seeking to end public education. Lets review.
Charter school giants Academica and Charter Schools USA had always operated separately from one another. The  later let the former dominate the one lobby that had existed in the state until last year when another was funded with Walton family money and staffed with loyalists to Jeb Bush. Academica  (06/28/2012) and Charter Schools USA (07/10/2012) made donations to John Kirtley’s  Florida Federation for Children, the Florida arm of Kirtley’s American Federation for Children.
Kirtley, a wealthy Tampa investor, made his name in the Florida ed privatization community as a voucher and tax 

What Really Happens When Parents Pull the "Parent Trigger?" | Center for Media and Democracy