Saturday, August 4, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst Has Made Campaign Contributions to 12 Florida Legislators and One Curious 527 | Scathing Purple Musings

Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst Has Made Campaign Contributions to 12 Florida Legislators and One Curious 527 | Scathing Purple Musings:

Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst Has Made Campaign Contributions to 12 Florida Legislators and One Curious 527

The kerfuffle caused by Michelle Rhee’s Florida reps call for Astroturf commenting in blogs isn’t the only activity by her empire. Rhee’s StudentsFirst made 12 different $500 contributions to Florida legislators during a period which began 11/18/2011 an ended on 1/12/2012 before the last legislative session. Save democrat senator Jeremy Ring, the rest of the legislators were republicans. The checks for the legislators came from Rhee’s DC office, while a $2500 contribution check was cut in her Sacramento office 7/18/2012 for Tullahassee 527 Florida First Forever Inc.
Here is the list of the republican legislators who received the maximum $500 contributions: