Saturday, August 18, 2012

Educator Musing: Parent Revolution Robbing School District

Educator Musing: Parent Revolution Robbing School District:

Parent Revolution Robbing School District

'Trigger' parents sue Adelanto School District

Parent Revolution backed an expensive lawsuit against the Adelanto School District to impose a charter the parents claim to not want.  Now Gabe Rose of Parent Revolution is consulting with attorneys to do it again.  This small school district may not be able to stand against the big league juggernaut funded by wealthy foundations.

This is so wrong.  While Parent Revolution is robbing needed funds from school kids through lawsuits, the community has gotten together with school 

Just Like Michelle Rhee's Students first only BETTER

Astroturf lobbying refers to political organizations or campaigns that appear to be made up of grassroots activists but are actually organized and run by corporate interests seeking to further their own agendas. Such groups are often typified by innocent-sounding names that have been chosen specifically to disguise the group's true backers

Just Like Michelle Rhee's
 Students first Astroturf lobbying (only Better) 
Other Astroturf lobbying groups

Just Like Michelle Rhee's
 Students first Astroturf lobbying (only Better)