Thursday, August 30, 2012

Daily Kos: "No Excuses" and the Culture of Shame: Why Metrics Don't Matter

Daily Kos: "No Excuses" and the Culture of Shame: Why Metrics Don't Matter:

"No Excuses" and the Culture of Shame: Why Metrics Don't Matter

"Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear someone say that 'eliminating poverty in America is the civil rights issue of our day'? Since poverty is the single most reliable predictor of poor performance in school, poor health, poor attendance, dropping out, and almost every negative indicator, wouldn’t it be wonderful to hear some of the politicians addressing the root cause of inequality?" Diane Ravitch
The education reform debate is fueled by a seemingly endless and even fruitless point-counterpoint among the corporate reformers—typically advocates for and from the Gates Foundation (GF), Teach for America (TFA), and charter chains such as Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP)—and educators/scholars of education. Since the political and public machines have embraced the corporate reformers, GF, TFA, and KIPP have acquired the bully pulpit of the debate and thus are afforded most often the ability to frame the point, leaving educators and scholars to be in a constant state of generating counter-points.This pattern disproportionately benefits corporate reformers, but it also exposes how those corporate reformers