Monday, August 27, 2012

Daily Kos: Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment"

Daily Kos: Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment":

Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment"

It's just astonishing to us how long this campaign has gone on with no discussion of what's happening to poor people. Official Washington continues to see poverty with tunnel vision - "out of sight, out of mind."
So begins this post by Bill Moyers, whose title is included in the title of this post.Too often poor people are forgotten in our politics.
It is appropriate to read the words of Moyers on this topic on this day, which would be the 104th birthday of his mentor, Prsident Lyndon Baines Johnson, vastly underrated as a President, whose Great Society programs did as much to alleviate poverty and discrimination in this country as did any other President, being matched only by the New Deal of FDR (which unfortunately did not address discrimination).
Moyers makes clear this is not just an issue for Mitt Romney and the Republicans - he reminds us of a President who said in his first book about why he went to Harvard Law after serving as a community organizer in Chicago
"I would learn power's currency in all its intricacy and detail" and "bring it back like Promethean