Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Big Education Ape Editorial: Can’t can’t do nothing*

Can’t can’t do nothing* 


After listening to Chris Christie’s Key Note Speech,  I thought what country is he talking about? Certainly not America. America is the land of CAN. Yet Gov. Christie seemed to be saying we can’t educate our children, can’t provide for the old and sick, we can't have good jobs, we can’t have a middle class, we can’t have the America that we grew up in. It was as if he was saying that America can’t do anything, Sort of permanent recession.  
Since 1776 America has found ways to have a can do spirit, it is sort of built in our DNA. I believe that America can do anything because we are America.  So I say to Governor Christie and any others that say America Can’t simply… BULLSHIT

*Old Okie saying told to me by my grandmother and repeated to me by my parents, teachers and coaches whenever I would say I Can't.