Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why Budget Cuts Matter « Diane Ravitch's blog

Why Budget Cuts Matter « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Why Budget Cuts Matter

A reader explains precisely how four straight years of budget cuts have hurt his school and limited the education of its students.
As regular readers of this blog know, I do not usually print the names of commenters because teachers typically worry about reprisals, and in most cases, I don’t know the name of the person who posted the comment. But this writer signed his comment, so I’m posting his name.

There has been 4 straight years of budget cuts (called austerity on the world stage) at my school in Brooklyn, New York. Larger classes has been just one of the major effects of these cuts to our funding. Our seniors, who came to our school because of the promise of four years of math and science, as well as a diverse selection of electives, are now mostly only taking the minimum amount of courses, which does not include electives, math, or science. The budget cuts meant a tremendous cut in our after-