Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where Teachers Learn « Diane Ravitch's blog

Where Teachers Learn « Diane Ravitch's blog:

Where Teachers Learn

Diana Senechal is a brilliant writer. She wrote a fascinating book titled “Republic of Noise.”
She teaches in the summer at the Dallas Institute of Culture and the Humanities. Who knew that Dallas has a vibrant learning center where teachers read the great books? I did, because I visited a couple of years ago and was blown away by the teachers and their enthusiasm for Shakespeare.
This is Diana’s report about this summer’s institute. Every city should have an institute like this one:
Literature as Teacher Education
Diana Senechal

In a lovely tree-shaded wooden building, in July, teachers convene for three weeks not to analyze data, discuss 

The “Confessions” Are Wrong

Marcus sent a comment and disagreed with the “Confessions of a Teaching Fellow”:
This is absolutely a misrepresentation of the summer training. Diane, I have a lot of respect for you and have followed you for many years. If you can push this out with such disregard for the truth, I have to question the rest of your platform and ideas. You are a published author and while you may not have the responsibility to fact check here, you do know journalistic best practices.There is no such thing as Do it Now. Do It Again is a technique that helps students