Monday, July 2, 2012

What Is an ATR? « Diane Ravitch's blog

What Is an ATR? « Diane Ravitch's blog:

What Is an ATR?

New York City teachers who read this blog include a number of ATRs.
Readers from outside the city ask what an ATR is.
I have explained that it is a teacher who used to work in a school that was “phased out” and replaced by new schools. This is the Bloomberg administration’s central strategy of school reform: close and replace, close and replace, repeat and repeat.
The teachers who lose their jobs have not been evaluated. They may be great teachers. They just happened to have the bad luck to teach in a closing school. If they are experienced teachers, other principals may reject them because their salaries are too high. So they become wanderers in the school system. They become members of the Absent Teacher Reserve, floating from school to school, a week at a time in each. They are lost