Saturday, July 28, 2012

UAW President slams right-wing politics for failing education | Michigan news | Detroit Free Press |

UAW President slams right-wing politics for failing education | Michigan news | Detroit Free Press |

UAW President slams right-wing politics for failing education

UAW President Bob King
UAW President Bob King / SUSAN TUSA\Detroit Free Press

UAW President Bob King railed against what he said are right-wing politics that have reduced funding for schools, reduced support services in schools, and left class sizes bulging.
“And then they turn around and they try to vilify teachers for not doing a great job in educating our kids,” King said this morning, speaking before teachers gathered at Cobo Center for the annual meeting of the American Federation of Teachers.
“I believe teachers in America, especially teachers in K-12 education, especially teachers in urban education, you are miracle workers.”
The AFT convention in Detroit, its first one here in several decades, has so far drawn 2,350 delegates from across the country. The