Saturday, July 28, 2012

This could be huge: Embedded flaw in high stakes test renders it useless in Texas | Seattle Education

This could be huge: Embedded flaw in high stakes test renders it useless in Texas | Seattle Education:

This could be huge: Embedded flaw in high stakes test renders it useless in Texas

They say that everything grows big in Texas and I must say that this could go into that category.
From the New York Times,
A Serious Design Flaw Is Suspected in State Tests:
The students’ improved grasp of mathematical concepts stunned Walter Stroup, the University of Texas at Austin professor behind the program. But at the end of the year, students’ scores had increased only marginally on state standardized TAKS tests, unlike what Mr. Stroup had seen in the classroom.
A similar dynamic showed up in a comparison of the students’ scores on midyear benchmark tests and what they received on their end-of-year exams. Standardized test scores the previous year were better predictors of