Monday, July 16, 2012

Private vs Public Greed: two different standards « Deborah Meier on Education

Private vs Public Greed: two different standards « Deborah Meier on Education:

Private vs Public Greed: two different standards

Greedy for hearing “the other side” I read the NY Times Business section daily, e.g. Saturday July 14th has a story on rate-rigging, Barclays (too big to indict), JP Morgan pay givebacks, and the ethics of advice when “genetic counselors work for test companies”. I also browse through the weekly Bloomberg Business Week, e.g. cover on May 13th, screams “Lies, Lies Lies” while the inside stories reveal the non-secrets of capitalism including “China’s culture of greed, violence and deceit”–with the subhead: “Is this any place to do business?” A big yawn. Who will be going to jail? Probably no one, with rare exceptions here and there. e.g. Madoff–who actually was mostly playing with the money of very rich people.
I used to be told that after all the one only hurt when private business cheats is the investing/ownership class–it was their own money (and folks have a right to throw away their own money) –while the latter was fooling with