Tuesday, July 31, 2012

PolitiFact Finds Gerard Robinson’s FCAT Claim False | Scathing Purple Musings

PolitiFact Finds Gerard Robinson’s FCAT Claim False | Scathing Purple Musings:

PolitiFact Finds Gerard Robinson’s FCAT Claim False

Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson has made it to the big leagues . PolitFact , the Tampa Bay Times -Miami Herald project usually reserved for elected officials, decided to weigh in on Robinson’s June 15 whopper:
“The FCAT neither drives the curriculum nor narrows the educational experience of Florida students. These assessments average two to three per student per school year and account for less than 1 percent of the instructional time provided during the year. It is worth noting that local school boards require students to take many more assessments than those required by the state.”
PolitiFact decided to narrow their inquiry to Robinson’s one percent claim although its noteworthy that he, too, is advancing the company line (Like Bush’s key lobbyist, Patricia Levesque) that its  districts fault for their being so many tests. Robinson’s one percent nonsense was dispatched by interviews with three south Florida