Sunday, July 29, 2012

Personalization and Responsibility | Connected Principals

Personalization and Responsibility | Connected Principals:

Personalization and Responsibility

July 29, 2012
Andy Hargreaves 'The 4th Way' - Pyramid by David Truss

George Siemens wrote the Duplication theory of educational value about higher education, but I am going to share a quote from this with a couple adaptations for K-12 public education:
“Let me posit a duplication theory of education value: if something can be duplicated with limited costs, it can’t serve as a value point for [public education]. Content is easily duplicated and has no value. What is valuable, however, is that which can’t be duplicated without additional input costs: personal feedback and assessment, contextualized and personalized navigation through complex topics, encouragement, questioning by [an educator] to promote deeper thinking, and a context and infrastructure of learning. Basically: human input cost