Saturday, July 14, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Common Core Standards and Sofas. Slipcovering vs Reupholstering Education.

Missouri Education Watchdog: Common Core Standards and Sofas. Slipcovering vs Reupholstering Education.:

Common Core Standards and Sofas. Slipcovering vs Reupholstering Education.

Can we slipcover or do we need to reupholster education?

We just had our sofa recovered and it looks fabulous. The "bones" of the sofa were good.  It was just the outside fabric that was old and tired and needed to be replaced.  We didn't have to strip the sofa down to its wooden frame and use new stuffing and material for the sofa to be useful.  This analogy of sofa stuffing and slipcovering can be used in reference to the education reform facing the majority of states via Common Core standards and the NCLB/ESEA waivers so "graciously" granted by the Federal government to states agreeing to the Federal guidelines.

Think of common core standards as stuffing in a couch.  Common Core standards replace state standards.