Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm lied about Clemente's new IB program

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm lied about Clemente's new IB program:

Rahm lied about Clemente's new IB program

The joke is on us. While all of us were focused on the firing of at least 22 Clemente teachers last week, over at the Clark St. wing of City Hall, J.C. Brizard and the mayor were figuring out how to pull another fast one on the Humboldt Park community.

Rahm's announced plan to turn Clemente High School into a wall-to-wall IB academy turns out to be a hoax. Emanuel had told parents and community leaders that the wall-to-wall schools were an expansion of the city’s International Baccalaureate diploma programs, which operate inside 13 neighborhood high schools and offer students a curriculum originally