Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Measuring products the Consumer Union way? « Deborah Meier on Education

Measuring products the Consumer Union way? « Deborah Meier on Education:

Measuring products the Consumer Union way?

FairTest’s Bob Shaeffer was interviewed recently by Florida Sentinel editorial writer Darryl Owens about tests. Here’s one of the questions he was asked:

QUESTION by Owens: Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon noted in a recent guest column that we measure progress in everything from business to sports. Shouldn’t there be a rigorous process to measure student learning?
Interesting and important question. But even Bob–who is one of the best in the field–doesn’t pick up on one of many essential differences between business measurement and education” measurement.
Do we, in business, “measure” the product? No, not even on some invented test that rates it’s qualities, No, we