Saturday, July 7, 2012

Judge gives Creative Approach Schools MOU the kabosh | Seattle Education

Judge gives Creative Approach Schools MOU the kabosh | Seattle Education:

Judge gives Creative Approach Schools MOU the kabosh

Per a recent post titled Innovation Schools/Creative Approach Schools and ALEC:
…our district’s union leadership decided to take this on to show that we could have innovative schools in Seattle and therefore didn’t need charter schools even though we have “Option Schools”, which are progressive alternative schools(option schools), Montessori, STEM, the IB program and other schools and programs that could be considered “innovative schools”. There were objections to the term “Innovation Schools” because that was too close to what charter schools were so the leadership renamed it “Creative Approach Schools”. Same difference. It’s still a charter school in sheep’s clothing.
According to the, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Seattle Education Association (SEA) and the Seattle School District, there is to be no oversight by the school board