Friday, July 20, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Reformyists Lose the Shanker Wars

Jersey Jazzman: Reformyists Lose the Shanker Wars:

Reformyists Lose the Shanker Wars

ACTING NJ Education Commissioner Chris Cerf recently invoked Albert Shanker, the legendary teachers union leader, in supporting Cerf's expansion of charter schools:
First, it is often forgotten that one of the first advocates for public charter schools was Albert Shanker, the former New York City teachers' union leader, who supported charter schools as a way to empower public school educators to innovate. While certainly charter schools are not the only schools that innovate, because of freedoms offered by the charter model a number of them have found new solutions ranging from new ways to use time, to incorporate technology, and to address the “summer learning loss” that affects all students. We as educators should be learning from these best practices, regardless of whether they come from charter or district schools, to help improve outcomes for every child.
Diane Ravitch called the ACTING Commissioner out on his nonsense: