Sunday, July 22, 2012

In box. Health care isn’t free now for retired teachers. « Fred Klonsky

In box. Health care isn’t free now for retired teachers. « Fred Klonsky:

In box. Health care isn’t free now for retired teachers.

I think another area of clarification when explaining to others our pension benefits, is that a large number of state pensioners who were part of AFSCME, etc. do get free health care, we’re not part of that group. My neighbors and friends have no idea the difference between AFSCME, TRS, SERS, etc. and the pension benefits for each system/group. My neighbors think I’m pulling the wool over their eyes when I tell them we’re not part of that group that gets free health care. I’ve been trying to educate them in that area. I find that I’m a bit more successful by acknowledging