Monday, July 9, 2012

Diane Ravitch: Common Core State Standards Rolled Out in 45 States Without A Field Test Anywhere | Truth in American Education

Diane Ravitch: Common Core State Standards Rolled Out in 45 States Without A Field Test Anywhere | Truth in American Education:

Diane Ravitch: Common Core State Standards Rolled Out in 45 States Without A Field Test Anywhere

Diane Ravitch, a historian of education and research professor of education at New York University, wrote about the Common Core State Standards this morning to say she’s neither for or against because they have not been field tested.
I have neither endorsed nor rejected the Common Core national standards, for one simple reason: They are being rolled out in 45 states without a field trial anywhere. How can I say that I love them or like them or hate them when I don’t know how they will work when they reach the nation’s classrooms?
I have worked on state standards in various states. When the standards are written, no one knows how they will work until teachers take them and teach them. When you get feedback from