Saturday, July 21, 2012

Democurmudgeon: Since Milwaukee's Voucher program began in 1992, Wisconsin became one of the slowest improving states.

Democurmudgeon: Since Milwaukee's Voucher program began in 1992, Wisconsin became one of the slowest improving states.:

Since Milwaukee's Voucher program began in 1992, Wisconsin became one of the slowest improving states.

Funny thing about the education reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; seems she forgot one important detail. Maybe it’s not important, but I thought I’d bring it up anyway.

Isn’t it an odd coincidence that in a new study that covered the years 1992 through 2011, ’92 being the first year of Milwaukee’s voucher system, Wisconsin became one of the slowest improving states in the country? Voucher's should have created competition and a race to the top. What happened? It's all BS: 
jsonline: new study that looks at National Assessment of Educational Progress scores in reading, math and science for 4th and 8th graders finds Wisconsin to be one of the slowest-improving states in the country between 1992 and 2011. Wisconsin was near the top of the heap