Friday, July 20, 2012

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Proud to be a teacher

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Proud to be a teacher:

Proud to be a teacher

English: teacher and its importance
English: teacher and its importance (Photo credit:Wikipedia)

"In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have." :Lee Iacocca

See, Iacocca agreed that teaching is noble.

Let's look at people who know the importance of what we do and not the sensational media that makes its money by stirring up controversy, sharing gossip, and elevating the basest things as if they are truth so that they get the eyes, clicks, and traffic to pay their salaries with advertising. The media has no incentive to talk about great things because people don't stop and stare in wonder at those things. The problem with our society is that 

86 Productivity Tricks, Tips, and Apps

The wordle made from the tags and bookmarks shared in this post. Wordles are a phenomenal productivity tool and I'm starting to have students put them on the front of longer documents to help me scan and preread.
I collect productivity books, tips, and ideas. Going through my bookmarks on Diigo, I realized I had some great stuff in here that I still use and ponder. In this "best of" post, I'm sharing some of the best productivity tips, tricks, and apps for those of you who are trying to get the most out of every moment.
  1. This website lets you mashup and create new feeds from existing ones. Take some time to manipulate feeds into smaller ones and you'll be glad you did.
  2. A service that filters feeds for certain keywords. This is a fascinating way to drill down into feeds that have a lot of content but you just want some of it.
  3. This Feed flitering service will pull out spam and profanity - great to try for those who are behind firewalls