Monday, July 2, 2012

Can You Make a Difference? Yes, You can! - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard

Can You Make a Difference? Yes, You can! - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard:
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Can You Make a Difference? Yes, You can!

(Mayor of RA contestants please comment on this post)
In this world of grey cynicism and pale apathy, it’s easy to think that the big things have all been done. That we’re all at the mercy of Billionaire Big Brothers who will decide our collective fate and no vale la pena luchar – It’s not worth the struggle.
It’s easy to think that if you didn’t know any better. If you didn’t know what I know.
I just got back from an NEA conference on the concerns of Women and Minorities. I hosted a panel of passionate educators that ranged the spectrum of teachers, education support professionals, and college professors.
They each spoke from the heart what ordinary educators were doing to change the world and make it a better place – a safer place – a more just place – for their students and for their communities. The audience was packed and just as passionate in their questions and comments for the panel. Oh, my, my, my I was proud of my colleagues.

They all spoke about reaching out beyond their classrooms and doing something big to save a little piece of their world. The amazing thing about each of their