Thursday, July 12, 2012

Arne Duncan To Report College Completion Rates Rise By Half A Percentage Point

Arne Duncan To Report College Completion Rates Rise By Half A Percentage Point:

Arne Duncan To Report College Completion Rates Rise By Half A Percentage Point

The number of Americans with college degrees is inching up slowly, with about 100,000 more students holding post-secondary degrees in 2010 than the year before, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan plans to tell the National Governors Association's annual gathering in Williamsburg, Va., on Friday.

â�œEvery capable, hard-working, and responsible student should be able to afford to go to college. Thatâ�™s not a Democratic dream or a Republican one. Itâ�™s the American Dream,â� Duncan will say, according to prepared remarks.

According to census data the Education Department will release in advance of Duncan's speech, the percentage