Monday, July 23, 2012

A Letter About My View on the Common Core Learning Standards [Because "Shut Up" Isn't Clear Enough] | The Jose Vilson

A Letter About My View on the Common Core Learning Standards [Because "Shut Up" Isn't Clear Enough] | The Jose Vilson:

A Letter About My View on the Common Core Learning Standards [Because "Shut Up" Isn't Clear Enough]

Dear Reader,
Frankly, this post shouldn’t matter.
I’m a classroom teacher first and foremost, and am often in situations where I can readily embody what most of my colleagues believe about education and the teachers’ role in education reform. It’s a privilege at times to rub elbows with union leaders, well-known activists, and other thought leaders and sharpen those elbows when their ideas go astray from my person beliefs. I have enough integrity that I can sit in the same room with someone with an opposing view without jumping across the table and threatening to choke the other person out. Or at least threatening to occupy their spaces on first breath.
All this to say that I don’t actually have an opinion on the Common Core Learning Standards, yet.
A year or two ago, I posted a couple of crosswalk documents from the New York State Math Standards to the