Sunday, June 3, 2012

Will Orange County School Board Be Next to Pass Resolution on High Stakes Tests? | Scathing Purple Musings

Will Orange County School Board Be Next to Pass Resolution on High Stakes Tests? | Scathing Purple Musings:

Will Orange County School Board Be Next to Pass Resolution on High Stakes Tests?

WMFE Radio reports:
The Broward County School Board has become the fourth in Florida to pass a resolution opposing the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test as the primary means for measuring student progress. And now, an Orange County School Board member is leading a task force that will ask state education officials to re-evaluate the FCAT next month.
Rick Roach of the Orange County School Board agrees with Broward County’s new resolution calling the FCAT “an inadequate and often unreliable measure of both student learning and educator effectiveness.” Roach put together a task force to investigate not only the method of standardized testing, but the test itself.
In fact, he sat down and took parts of the 10th grade FCAT…and didn’t do so well. He says what