Saturday, June 30, 2012

Walmart at 50: Still Greedy After All These Years | California Progress Report

Walmart at 50: Still Greedy After All These Years | California Progress Report:

Walmart at 50: Still Greedy After All These Years

Posted on 30 June 2012
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By Bobbi Murray 
The Frying Pan
Walmart soon turns 50.  What better time for a makeover, a little freshening up –a rebranding, perhaps? Maybe a new look to go along with a move from the ‘burbs to the Big City.
The Big W is hoping a fresh face will help as it moves to crack an urban market worth as much as $100 billion. Walmart has overbuilt in rural and suburban areas to the point of cannibalization, one Walmart Supercenter devouring the profits of the other. The loser is left to die—and the vacant space is left to whatever retailer can afford to move in (and is not a Walmart competitor) A PBS documentary reported in 2001 that Walmart had left behind more than 25 million square feet of unoccupied space across the country.
Walmart U.S President and CEO Bill Simon rolled out the makeover concept last year at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Consumer Conference. It promised hundreds of smaller