Monday, June 4, 2012

Top Ed Official Tells NY to Keep Up Reforms – SchoolBook

Top Ed Official Tells NY to Keep Up Reforms – SchoolBook:

Top Ed Official Tells NY to Keep Up Reforms

United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said the country is lagging far behind its international competitors, and he supported New York’s efforts to implement a reform agenda.
He told an audience of foundation leaders that he supports revisions to teacher evaluation systems, new learning standards and the tests to assess them, all to ensure students leave high school with “21st century skills.”
“The biggest challenge I think we all face is that we’re all told we’re going too fast,” he said. “When in fact we are going far, far, far too slow. The world is passing us by.”
Mr. Duncan was joined on stage by State Education Commissioner John B. King Jr. and New York City schools chancellor Dennis M. Walcott at the annual meeting of Philanthropy New York, a group of New York-based