Thursday, June 7, 2012

Steve Monaghan Sues Bobby Jindal, Draws Fire From School Reform Folks

Steve Monaghan Sues Bobby Jindal, Draws Fire From School Reform Folks:

Steve Monaghan Sues Bobby Jindal, Draws Fire From School Reform Folks

It was a surprise neither that the Louisiana Federation of Teachers would sue the state over the educational reform package passed in the recently-completed legislative session nor that the suit would come within days of that session’s end.
So when the LFT launched their latest attack on behalf of the status quo today, the political enemies of its president Steve Monaghan were already locked and loaded.
Monaghan’s suit contains several allegations, the most important of which being one the educrats and their allies in the legislature made repeatedly during the legislative session; namely that it’s unconstitutional to fund the state’s new school voucher program through the Minimum Foundation Program, as the MFP can only fund public schools…
The Constitution requires the state school board to “annually develop and adopt a formula which shall be