Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Montana decision another nail in Democracy's coffin

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Montana decision another nail in Democracy's coffin:

Montana decision another nail in Democracy's coffin

Harold Hamm
You can bet Harold Hamm has a big shit-eating grin on his face today. Billionaire Hamm, the CEO of Continental Resources is also Mitt Romney's chief energy adviser. Continental Resources is currently drilling in the Bakken shale, located in North Dakota and Montana. He's contributed $985,000 to the pro-Romney super-PAC with more coming. But Hamm himself just got the gift of a lifetime.

Yesterday's Supreme Court decision in the Montana Citizens United case, put another nail in the coffin of American democracy (what's left of it). The ruling struck down the state of Montana's century-old law that limited political campaign spending corporations amd established the power of a small group of multi-millionaires and billionaires like Hamm to buy the state's elected officials, judgeships and other political appointments on the cheap. What a gift