Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rick Ayers: It's the Curriculum, Stupid!

Rick Ayers: It's the Curriculum, Stupid!:

It's the Curriculum, Stupid!

While many educators believe the development of a just, multicultural society is central to our values, very powerful forces have been fighting against such a vision for decades.
Here's the kind of thinking that drives the education standards writers: "The costs of multiculturalism -- in terms of disunity, the clash of classes, and declining trust -- are likely to be huge in the long run. All cultures are not equal when it comes to promoting progress, and very few can match Anglo-Protestantism in this respect. We should be promoting acculturation to the national mainstream, not a mythical, utopian multiculturalism." (Emphasis added.) That is Lawrence Harrison of the Cultural Change Institute at Tufts University, who openly opposes diversity in our global culture. WASP is the best, he believes, and we must all bow down to it. This attack on multicultural curriculum comes also from Matthew Spalding in Insider, Heritage Foundation magazine. He