Monday, June 4, 2012

Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky

Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky:

Pension Call Tuesday.

Skip calling your own legislator tomorrow, Pension Call Tuesday.
If you have a friend or relative who lives in Wisconsin, give them a call instead.
Remind them that what happens in Wisconsin doesn’t stay in Wisconsin.
Recall Walker.
Let them know that we FIBs are depending on them.

Will the fear of a voter backlash push pension bill until after November? (Correction)

Rich Miller writes to say that I was not accurate in how I intepreted his article, linked here and in the post below. Rich says that he “never wrote that there wouldn’t be a pension deal this summer or that it would be put off until after november. I love your stuff, Fred, but please either correct that post or tell me where you saw me write what you say I wrote.”
Well, I have no interest in misquoting Rich Miller, who is a great source for Springfield information. What I took away from his article linked below was that the legislative leaders and the Governor would be trying to come to some agreement this summer, but that the GA would likely not meet and that:

The Republicans (and downstate and suburban Democrats) are so completely