Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ohio's 2002 Teacher of the Year on Charter schools | OhioDaily

Ohio's 2002 Teacher of the Year on Charter schools | OhioDaily:

Ohio's 2002 Teacher of the Year on Charter schools

So John Kasich likes to go around touting experts. He based his push for increased fees on Ohio's new casinos, because experts told him he should get much more from them.
Ohio's 2002 Teacher of the Year recently weighed in on charter schools. She called them a lousy investment. One would think that a teacher of the year might know a little about education. Think John Kasich will listen?
Here's the letter originally posted on the Columbus Dispatch.
"In the wake of the flurry of amendments being written regarding the proposed state budget, House Bill 153, I offer an idea to the legislators for an amendment on behalf of all the children of the state of Ohio.
"Let it be declared illegal to use Ohio's children for profiteering purposes; all state education dollars should go to educational institutions required to be run as nonprofit schools, whose only bottom line should be the quality of education for its students provided by licensed, certified superintendents, principals and educators in the classrooms."
As a parent, 29-year veteran teacher, tax-paying resident of Ohio and graduate of