Friday, June 22, 2012

NYC Educator: NY Pretends to Protect Teacher Privacy

NYC Educator: NY Pretends to Protect Teacher Privacy:

NY Pretends to Protect Teacher Privacy

Now that there finally is a bill regarding the data in your junk science VAM evaluations, we know a few new things. First, we know that parents will be able to look at the data supplied on the basis of phony and invalid nonsense, and will therefore be able to determine how they wish to proceed from there. There will be various options open to them.

For example, if you've had a good year, parents can tell their friends what a great teacher you are. This will let other parents wonder why their kids aren't in your wonderful class, and they can go to the principal and demand their kids be transferred into them. The principal, who apparently has nothing else to do but oversee transfer requests, will either accommodate them or listen to their bitter complaints about the inferior education the junk science says their kids are getting.

And next, you'll see the tabloids demanding we relax