Friday, June 8, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Horse head in Quinn's bed??

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Horse head in Quinn's bed??:

Horse head in Quinn's bed??

I always chuckle a little when the party hacks get their signals crossed and vote the wrong way. Then there's hell to pay.According to SneedGov. Quinn was "Rahmed" yesterday by Chicago's foul-mouthed, Little Napoleon mayor. It seems the slow-witted guv got confused during the legislative session after Rahm and Boss Madigan threw in the towel on "pension reform." Quinn thought the great pension heist was still on and ended up siding with Republican boss, Tom Cross who had the bill tossed in his lap by Madigan. Then Quinn went against Rahm's pet casino project. Rahm responded with a barrage of F^%K YOUs. In other words, Quinn is toast. 

Idea for new TV situation comedy show:

Rahm is no Raymond so how about Everybody hates Rahm? First episode reveals how Rahm's poll numbers tumbling over his Walker-like assault on teachers and their union. Then comes NATO follies when he turns