Saturday, June 9, 2012

Legal Questions Loom Over High-Achieving Charter Schools Bill as Challenges Move to Appellate Courts | Scathing Purple Musings

Legal Questions Loom Over High-Achieving Charter Schools Bill as Challenges Move to Appellate Courts | Scathing Purple Musings:

Legal Questions Loom Over High-Achieving Charter Schools Bill as Challenges Move to Appellate Courts

In the Lakeland Ledger:
TALLAHASSEE | Battles over the Florida Board of Education’s approval of two new charter schools in Polk and Seminole counties are headed to appeals courts, lawyers said Friday.
The state board last month overturned county decisions to reject proposals by Renaissance Charter School Inc. to open schools for children in kindergarten through eighth grade.
The Polk and Seminole school boards filed lawsuits in December in Leon County to try to block the state board from taking up the proposals. But a circuit judge refused to grant a temporary injunction, clearing the way for the state board’s votes.
The counties dropped the circuit-court cases this week.
Frederick J. Murphy, a lawyer for the Polk County School Board, said the state board’s Polk