Monday, June 25, 2012

Initiative I-1240: The money and the lies | Seattle Education

Initiative I-1240: The money and the lies | Seattle Education:

Initiative I-1240: The money and the lies

Bill Gates is cranking it up a notch with his enablers, the League of Education Voters and Stand for Children. He and some other donors have put money into the pot to put a charter school initiative on the ballot this fall,Initiative 1240.
The money so far has been contributed by:
Mike and Jackie Bezos: $250,000
Bill Gates: $200,000
Paul Allen: $100,000 (can someone give this guy a clue?)
Katherine Binder: $100,000 (who also contributed to Senator Patty Murray)
Nick Hanauer: $25,000
Gates provided $53,000 in in-kind contributions for surveys, etc. Other in-kind donations came