Sunday, June 24, 2012

In Michigan, the Debate Continues « Diane Ravitch's blog

In Michigan, the Debate Continues « Diane Ravitch's blog:

In Michigan, the Debate Continues

Dave Murray and I are having a great discussion about the future of public education in Michigan.
He has been interviewing conservatives about my blogs that describe the death of public education and local control in Muskegon Heights and Highland Park, Michigan, where emergency managers have decided in their wisdom and total control to close down the public schools and give the community’s children to for-profit charter operators.
He quotes someone from the conservative Mackinac Center for Public Policy who says he has no problem with for-profit charters taking control of the children and asks how that is different from buying textbooks or food from for-profit companies. Well, why not just sell the children? Some years back, Jonathan Swift had a modest