Saturday, June 23, 2012

The in box. ReTired answers the question, “Where did all the teacher hatred come from?” « Fred Klonsky

The in box. ReTired answers the question, “Where did all the teacher hatred come from?” « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. ReTired answers the question, “Where did all the teacher hatred come from?”

Where did “all the teacher hatred come from?” It’s a matter of $$$, pure & simple. I recently read somewhere that, after WWII, those who were invested in the military-industrial complex were left looking for another gold mine. They found it in agriculture & farms.
Now, after the 2008 crash, those same people again went looking for another cash cow.
Education! Ka-ching!
Next to nuns (who, these days, are not going “gently into that good night”–go to http://www.nunsonthebus, & check out their convergence on Joe Walsh’s office!!!), the majority of teachers (read also Pension Reform & IEA steamroll; SB 7; CTU excepted) can be pretty
passive (or appear so because they’re pretty BUSY–TEACHING KIDS!!!). Time & again, it is said (& true) that we teach because we love our students & want them to have the best; we didn’t go into teaching for the money. However, UNLIKE nuns, we did not take a vow of poverty–most of us have families to support (just like everyone else employed in either public or private sectors), & school districts don’t provide us housing, food, clothing, and health insurance. We PAY for those, & we PAY forward for our retirement money (and we STILL pay for health insurance when we DO