Thursday, June 7, 2012

Geaux Teacher!: Superintendent White DEFAMES TEACHERS!

Geaux Teacher!: Superintendent White DEFAMES TEACHERS!:

Superintendent White DEFAMES TEACHERS!

So the Superintendent, in a knee jerk reaction, takes a pot shot at the Louisiana Federation of Teachers upon its filing of a lawsuit on behalf of qualified certified educators that brings into question the constitutionality of legislation that affects not only every child in the state of Louisiana but every citizen.

One has to question the legal implications of his making this latest defammatory if not outright libelous attack in its blatant and unmistakable indictment of teachers and their motives. Not only does Supt. White not offer a defense (as if there were one) for the role he played in the design and passage of this legislation but he lets the cat out of the bag that politics could indeed be the reason for the push for "reform" and the resulting legislative debacle.

I would submit that Superintendent White needs to retract and clarify his statement and that he offers more than one apology to the professional educators and the association that REPRESENTS THEM!!

This was a juvenile attempt to save face Mr. White! You should hope that your testimony in court will serve you and your case better. Then again maybe you should please the 5th.


Date: 06/07/2012

Contact: Rene' Greer, (225) 342-3600, Fax: (225) 342-0193