Sunday, June 3, 2012

Freddy’s Back!: Senate Bill 1550 snaking its way through the California State Senate would create toll booth for community college students |

Freddy’s Back!: Senate Bill 1550 snaking its way through the California State Senate would create toll booth for community college students |

Freddy’s Back!: Senate Bill 1550 snaking its way through the California State Senate would create toll booth for community college students

A bill intended to begin the privatization process for California Community Colleges is once again making its way through California Assembly and Senate committees and will soon be up for a vote in the Senate.  This, after AB515, introduced by Assembly Democrat, Julia Brownley was soundly beaten back, much to the delight of the students who defeated it and to the horror of corporate democrats who introduced it and supported it.
This time, the privatization bill is introduced in by Sen. Roderick Wright, D-Inglewood.  Same game, different name.
Senate Bill 1550, like AB515 which was defeated, would create a “pilot program” (incremental privatization) allowing California community colleges to charge higher fees for a new set of classes focused on “career training” – school to work.  The problem, of course, is that they are graduating into a Mausch pit of