Thursday, June 14, 2012

Florida School Board Members Enraged at Robinson’s Attempt to Usurp Local Board Control | Scathing Purple Musings

Florida School Board Members Enraged at Robinson’s Attempt to Usurp Local Board Control | Scathing Purple Musings:

Florida School Board Members Enraged at Robinson’s Attempt to Usurp Local Board Control

Wow. More from State Impact’s John O’Connor:
Florida school board members say education commissioner Gerard Robinson issued a threat to local control during a lunchtime speech Thursday at the state association meeting in Tampa.
Robinson told the Florida School Boards Association members they were free to oppose the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, but they were not free to ignore state law or Florida Board of Education decisions.
The group later approved a resolution opposing the current use of the FCAT to asses student, teacher, school and district performance.
Robinson made a similar statement in an earlier interview with StateImpact Florida.
“They can express their opinion,” he said. “But let’s also remember the local school board’s obligation is to implement the laws approved by the Florida Legislature; to implement the