Saturday, June 16, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: Vouchers can make me rich |

Michelle Rhee: Vouchers can level playing field |

There are two things that I think could happen among the big business community in Pennsylvania that would potentially change the education game. 
Michelle Rhee, with StudentsFirst, is an education reform advocate. 06/12/2012 DAN GLEITER, The Patriot-News

The first is a simple one: Advocate for the policies that you want to be in place in your own life.

I guarantee you that you don’t run your organization anything like the way public school systems run their organizations. Let me give you an example. Right now, we don’t have anything really resembling a rigorous teacher evaluation system. In the state of Pennsylvania, I think 99.4 percent of teachers are all given the same “satisfactory” [evaluation].

I was just reading an article today about a state that has adopted a new teacher evaluation program where 40 percent of the evaluation is going to be based on student achievement and the quote from the teachers union was, “This seems very suspicious to me and punitive to all