Friday, June 15, 2012

Fact Check: FAIL — Romney's Claim That the Federal Government Doesn't Pay for Teachers | K-12 News Network

Fact Check: FAIL — Romney's Claim That the Federal Government Doesn't Pay for Teachers | K-12 News Network:

Fact Check: FAIL — Romney’s Claim That the Federal Government Doesn’t Pay for Teachers

Regarding presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s gaffe: of course state and local governments pay for teachers. No one disputes that. But the federal government does also pay for teachers, whether it’s the local or state education agency that makes that decision, or if it’s indirectly through federally-funded state training and credentialing programs.
The Washington Post’s Josh Hicks corroborates the information with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (which we have the full text of on our site, in searchable form). He finds that:
The federal government has doled out loads of education money to the states ever since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Lawmakers have reauthorized that measure every five years like clockwork, sometimes tweaking it a bit, as President George W. Bush helped do with No Child Left Behind.