Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: A Simple Moment: Tremendous Impact! They Care That We Care!

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: A Simple Moment: Tremendous Impact! They Care That We Care!:

A Simple Moment: Tremendous Impact! They Care That We Care!

I was cleaning out a folder in which I keep a lot of my "teacher stuff" from the last couple of years.  In it, I found a short essay I had written a few years ago in response to a question from Project Wisdom . When I read it, I thought how well it goes along with Angela Maier's concept, "#You Matter." This is what I wrote:

Over the years, I am proud to have become one of "those" teachers.  You know, the ones parents request every year. They request you because they have heard great things about you from other parents or your colleagues. Or maybe their child persuaded them that your class is where they wanted to be.

One moment in my teaching history stands out, a moment, out of so many, that I have not forgotten. It was the