Monday, June 4, 2012

Daily Kos: Suite 555

Daily Kos: Suite 555:

Suite 555

Let's talk about the independence of SuperPACs.   Were we to visit
Suite 555
66 Canal Center Plaza
Alexandria VA 22314
we would find the following SuperPACs, led by the people as identified as being in charged in Jim Hightower's blog -
TARGET POINT CONSULTING - headed by Alexander Gage, a top staffer to Romney in 2008.  The firm is advising both Romney's campaign and Romney's SuperPAC.
WPP STRATEGIES - headed by Katie Packer Gage, wife of Alexander Gage, and deputy campaign manager for the current Romney campaign
BLACK ROCK GROUP - headed by Carl Forti, the political director of Romney's 2008 campaign. Forti is senior